Review of 'Sakura Hime : the legend of Princess Sakura. 1' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
There are no words to describe how much I dislike this manga.
My only regret is that I wasn’t able to rate this book higher since the art was pretty good and it sounded like a good plot. Sadly, the plot lacked coherence for me, likely because of my search for deeper meaning. The author lacked coherence and substance.
The story does not explain Sakura's powers, except for her sword. The story introduced Sakura's powers in the first chapter, but it wasn't until chapter 2 that she activated them. I wish someone could give me some information, without overwhelming me with too much explanation. How do they work? What is her method of activating them? Does she require the moon? Why does she wear such a modern dress (and it’s ugly)? The author seems to rely on the magical girl genre to explain things to her instead of developing her own unique perspective.
Her fighting technique remains unexplained. The author cannot depict her fighting skills, and in fact, suggests the opposite, yet she excels at fighting demons. Obviously, her powers give her speed and strength, but do they also give her technique and knowledge? If not, how is she able to defeat powerful demons? Is she naturally skilled in fighting, or does she possess specialized training? It’s important to understand how she fights in order to fully appreciate her character.
Last but not least, I hated the characters. Every one of them. Sakura is so generic, good for no reason, totally lacking in personality, and inconsistent. All the side characters are cardboard cutouts with no personality or development. The plot is also predictable and clichéd, with nothing surprising or unique about it. This manga is completely pointless.