Bloodchild and other stories

eBook, 228 pages

Published March 23, 2012 by Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy.

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(5 reviews)

Bloodchild and Other Stories is the only collection of science fiction stories and essays written by American writer Octavia E. Butler. Each story and essay features an afterword by Butler. "Bloodchild", the title story, won the Hugo Award and Nebula Award. Originally published in 1995, the 2005 expanded edition contains two additional stories: "Amnesty" and "The Book of Martha".

5 editions

La fantascienza dell'America migliore – l'America donna e nera

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Nella prefazione a Bloodchild and Other Stories Octavia Butler dichiara apertamente di essere una scrittrice da romanzo, non da racconto, e proprio per questo in vita sua ha iniziato, terminato e considerato degni di pubblicazione solo sette testi brevi – quelli che ha riunito e commentato uno a uno (santissima donna) qui in questa piccola densa raccolta. E a mio parere è proprio il caso di parlare di "pochi ma buonissimi", perché la qualità va dal buono allo straordinario. Partiamo da un nucleo di tre racconti di purissima fantascienza sociale: l'eponimo "Bloodchild" è una storia di interazione e (possibile) incastro fra biologie e civiltà radicalmente diverse, la cui compatibilità valoriale è di per sé stessa un'incognita e una costruzione in fieri; "The Evening, the Morning, and the Night", invece, ragiona sull'eugenetica e l'abilismo e il paternalismo sanitario e la possibilità di autodeterminazione, alternando picchi …

Alien stories were never more human

Two stories in this book are about humans being dominated by nightmarish aliens. After reading Butler's time travel and slavery novel "Kindred", and knowing what a pioneer she was as a black woman in a field dominated by white men, it's hard to miss the influence her real life had on her fiction.

But there's a tremendous compassion and hope for reconciliation in her stories. Anger and outrage are built into the premise of a Butler story, but the future always contains love and optimism... more than the domineering aliens seem to deserve. Her stories have such clarity and simplicity, and I feel like I know her personally, or I WANT to know her, even as she's creating one her uniquely bizarre science fiction scenarios. Everything I've read by her makes me feel her loss. 58 is too young.

I take half a star off only because I thought the …

Bit of a mixed bag, but a great ride

Bloodchild and other stories is a great collection of vastly different short stories. It's a bit of a mixed bag though, some are great while others are mediocre and uninteresting. The main story of the collection, Bloodchild, is definitely the best one. I can't help but feel putting it as the first story was a bad move as it sets up high expectations for the stories to come.