240 pages
English language
Published Nov. 22, 2010 by Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W..
Philip K. Howard: Life Without Lawyers (2010, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.)
240 pages
English language
Published Nov. 22, 2010 by Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W..
"Philip K. Howard's urgent and elegant argument about an overlegalized society is full of real voices and examples, often poignant and sometimes humorous, that cry out for a legal overhaul to restore responsibility in America. Teachers must be allowed to take back control of the classroom. Judges must limit unreasonable or exorbitant claims. We must rebuild boundaries of law that honor responsibility and protect an open field of freedom. What's at stake, Howard explains, is the vitality of American culture"--Page 4 of cover.