
Hardcover, 352 pages

English language

Published Nov. 6, 2007 by Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.

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(1 review)

In a future world where those between the ages of thirteen and eighteen can have their lives "unwound" and their body parts harvested for use by others, three teens go to extreme lengths to uphold their beliefs--and, perhaps, save their own lives.

3 editions

reviewed Bez šance by Neal Shusterman (Bez šance, #1)

Tleskac co netleskl

Jakoze namet trosku divnej, ale ke konci se vysvetli, jak k tomu vubec doslo. Trosku me sralo, jak se porad menil uhled pohledu vypravenej jinym clovekem, 20 - 30 stran bych dal, ale kua proc celou knizku. V druhe pulce se to trosku uklidnilo a ke konci hodne zajimavy. No suma sumarum 60%. Tleskac co netleskl!


  • Action & Adventure - General
  • Horror & Ghost Stories
  • Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Magic
  • Juvenile Fiction / Horror & Ghost Stories
  • Science Fiction / Fantasy (Young Adult)
  • Juvenile Fiction
  • Children's 12-Up - Fiction - General
  • Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Fugitives from justice
  • Revolutionaries
  • Survival
  • Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9)